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a6 c5 2.4 falowanie i drgania.

Silniki benzynowe
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 49
Rejestracja: 24 maja 2015, 22:57
Lokalizacja: Jaworzno / Niemcy

a6 c5 2.4 falowanie i drgania.

Post autor: tusiek21 » 24 maja 2015, 22:59

Witam, pomcy bo juz mi rece opadaja.... 2 tygodnie temu kupilem w/w samochod, w dniu zakupu wszystko bylo ok, lub takie dnioslem wrazenie, na drugi dzien po odpaleniu obroty biegu jalowego falowaly, karoseria drzy, pod maska slychac ze silnik nie rowno pracuje, podczas jazdy wyczuwalne sa minimalne przyszarpywania. Wymienilem juz uszczelki pod deklami pod nastawnikami, korki walkow, kompletna odma, ezaktor,wszystkie podcisnienia, swiece, kable, cewki zaplonowe, przeplywka wyczyszczona, niestety bez efektow problem nie ustapil, swiece nowe dzisiaj wykrecilem zeby sprawdzic, czarne jak smola (domniemam ze mieszanka nie wlasciwa, zbyt uboga w powietrze). komputer nie pokazuje zadnych bledow, jedynie sporadycznie "czujnik swiatla stop" ale to nie dotyczy problemu z jakim walcze. Wyczyscilem i zaadoptowałem przepustnice. Zastanawiam sie jeszcze nad wtryskami?macie jakies inne pomysly?[/list]

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 24 maja 2015, 23:10

Filtr powietrza w jakim stanie ?

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 162
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 17:54
Lokalizacja: Szczerców

Post autor: sebool12 » 24 maja 2015, 23:24

W jakim zakresie falują obroty?
Sprawdź jak auto zachowuje się przy odłączonym przepływomierzu

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 49
Rejestracja: 24 maja 2015, 22:57
Lokalizacja: Jaworzno / Niemcy

Post autor: tusiek21 » 25 maja 2015, 13:56

filtra nie kupowalem ale wyglada na nie zużyty. Co do przepływki to odłączałem ją całkowicie, bez efektu prócz tego że dochodzi znaczny spadek mocy... oraz podniesienie obrotów biegu jałowego i przy mocnym hamowaniu auto gasnie.Fsalowanie nie duże 680-720 ale drgania dość duże, przy rozruchy tak jakby kulal na jeden gar po przegazowaniu wmiare wyrownuje prace silnika ale zostaja wibracje oraz przy jezdzie delikatne przyszarpywania. Czy rozżad przeskoczny (zle ustawiony) mozna zdiagnozowac bez sciagania przodu? czy czujniki nie wyrzucaly by bledu walka?

[ Dodano: 2015-05-25, 11:39 ]
Wykonałem logi statyczne, robiłem to pierwszy raz i chyba zle zrobiłem.. zerknijcie czy to o to chodziło i coś z tego mozna wywnioskowac.


[ Dodano: 2015-05-25, 13:56 ]
zauwazylem rozne wskazania sond lambda, czy to moze byc jakas poszlaka?

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 25 maja 2015, 13:58

Na przyszłość logi statyczne na postoju, logi dynamiczne na 3 biegu przy pełnym obciążeniu. Sondy wskazują, że raz auto zalewa, a innym razem bardzo ubogo. Masz LPG w aucie ??

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 49
Rejestracja: 24 maja 2015, 22:57
Lokalizacja: Jaworzno / Niemcy

Post autor: tusiek21 » 25 maja 2015, 14:07

auto bez gazu, logi robione na postoju, jedynie przegazowalem dla wskazan grupy 010 i 003.

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 25 maja 2015, 14:12

Widać, że na postoju i była "przygazówka" <okok>

Wrzuć jak możesz z postoju 032+033 i 090+093, przy czym 090+093 przydałby się również dynamiczny jeśli masz z kim zrobić.

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 162
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 17:54
Lokalizacja: Szczerców

Post autor: sebool12 » 25 maja 2015, 14:36

Podłącze się do tematu: Mam u siebie podobne objawy (minimalne falowanie obrotów i drgania). Dzisiaj sprawdziłem świece i gołym okiem widać, że mam za ubogą mieszankę. Aby sprawdzić sondy i przepływomierz jakie grupy powinienem logować? 032, 033 i 002? Podejrzewam, że mam walniętą sondę(raz miałem błąd w ecu strona pasażera, ale nie jestem pewny czy to wina katów bo są przypchane) , ale zanim cokolwiek będę kupował chcę się upewnić.

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 25 maja 2015, 14:40

W 2.8 inne grupy się loguje na 99%, bo jest inny sterownik (w ACK na pewno). Przepływka to na górze będzie napis "Mass air flow" i ona zawsze jest w niskich grupach - być może 002 lub 003, natomiast co do sond to szukaj napisów napisów nad kratkami Voltage i %, chyba grupy w okolicach 006-009.

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 162
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 17:54
Lokalizacja: Szczerców

Post autor: sebool12 » 25 maja 2015, 14:59

AML (Podobno ten sam sterownik co AMX)

Kod: Zaznacz cały

; VCDS Label File
; Copyright &#169; 2007-2009 Ross-Tech, LLC
; Audi A4 &#40;8D&#41; / Audi A6 &#40;4B&#41;
; Component&#58; Engine &#40;#01&#41; - AML/AMM
; P/N&#58; 3B0-907-55?-???
; includes measuring blocks, basic setting and coding
; This file is part of a redirection package,
; make sure you have all of the following files.
; 3B-01.LBL
; 078-907-552-AMM.LBL  &#40;2.4l     @ 25x HP - AML/AMM&#41;
; created on 25/Jan/2007 by Sebastian Stange &#40;;
; last modificationon on 03/Feb/2009
; requires VCDS 805.0 or newer
; measuring blocks & basic setting
001,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
001,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
001,3,Lambda Control,Bank 1,Specification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
001,4,Lambda Control,Bank 2,Specification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
002,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
002,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
002,3,Injection Timing,,Range&#58; 1.0...21.0 ms\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...4.0 ms
002,4,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...200.0 g/s\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...5.0 g/s
003,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
003,2,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...200.0 g/s\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...5.0 g/s
003,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
003,4,Ignition,Timing Angle
004,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
004,2,Battery Voltage,&#40;Terminal 30&#41;,Specification&#58; 11.0...15.0 V
004,3,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
004,4,Intake Air,Temperature &#40;G42&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; < +80.0 °C &#40;max. +115.0 °C&#41;
005,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
005,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
005,3,Vehicle Speed,,Range&#58; 0.0...300.0 km/h
005,4,Load Status,,Range&#58; Idle/Partial Throttle/Wide Open Throttle &#40;WOT&#41;/Enrichment/Deceleration
006,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
006,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
006,3,Intake Air,Temperature &#40;G42&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; < +80.0 °C &#40;max. +115.0 °C&#41;
006,4,Altitude,Correction Factor
010,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
010,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
010,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
010,4,Ignition,Timing Angle
011,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
011,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
011,3,Intake Air,Temperature &#40;G42&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; < +80.0 °C &#40;max. +115.0 °C&#41;
011,4,Ignition,Timing Angle
014,0,Ignition &#40;Misfire Recognition - Total&#41;
014,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
014,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
014,3,Misfire Counter,,Specification&#58; 0
014,4,Misfire,Recognition,Range&#58; Disabled/Enabled
015,0,Ignition &#40;Misfire Recognition - Cylinder 1-3&#41;
015,1,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 1,Specification&#58; 0
015,2,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 2,Specification&#58; 0
015,3,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 3,Specification&#58; 0
015,4,Misfire,Recognition,Display Range&#58; Active/Disabled
016,0,Ignition &#40;Misfire Recognition - Cylinder 4-6&#41;
016,1,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 4,Specification&#58; 0
016,2,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 5,Specification&#58; 0
016,3,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 6,Specification&#58; 0
016,4,Misfire,Recognition,Display Range&#58; Active/Disabled
018,0,RPM/Load Barriers
018,1,Lower,RPM Barrier
018,2,Upper,RPM Barrier
018,3,Lower,Load Barrier,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
018,4,Upper,Load Barrier,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
020,0,Ignition &#40;Timing Retardation Cylinder 1-4&#41;
020,1,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 1,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,2,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 2,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 3,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 4,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
021,0,Ignition &#40;Timing Retardation Cylinder 5-6&#41;
021,1,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 5,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
021,2,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 6,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
022,0,Ignition &#40;Timing Retardation Cylinder 1 && 2&#41;
022,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...7400 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
022,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
022,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 1,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
022,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 2,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
023,0,Ignition &#40;Timing Retardation Cylinder 3 && 4&#41;
023,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...7400 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
023,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
023,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 3,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
023,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 4,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
024,0,Ignition &#40;Timing Retardation Cylinder 5 && 6&#41;
024,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...7400 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
024,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
024,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 5,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
024,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 6,Specification&#58; 0.0...12.0 °CF
026,0,Ignition &#40;Knock Control Cylinder 1-4&#41;
026,1,Voltage,Cylinder 1
026,2,Voltage,Cylinder 2
026,3,Voltage,Cylinder 3
026,4,Voltage,Cylinder 4
027,0,Ignition &#40;Knock Control Cylinder 5-6&#41;
027,1,Voltage,Cylinder 5
027,2,Voltage,Cylinder 6
028,0,Ignition &#40;Knock Sensor Test&#41;
028,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
028,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
028,3,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
028,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification&#58; Sys. OK
B028,0,Ignition &#40;Knock Sensor Test - Short Trip&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases to 2200 RPM automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Sys. OK"
B028,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Specification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; ~2200 RPM
B028,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
B028,3,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
B028,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification&#58; Sys. OK
030,0,Lambda Control &#40;Sensor Status&#41;
030,1,Bank 1,Sensor 1,See Label File
; 1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; x1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xx1 - Lambda Control active
030,2,Bank 1,Sensor 2,See Label File
; 1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; x1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xx1 - Lambda Control active
030,3,Bank 2,Sensor 1,See Label File
; 1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; x1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xx1 - Lambda Control active
030,4,Bank 2,Sensor 2,See Label File
; 1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; x1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xx1 - Lambda Control active
031,0,Lambda Control &#40;Lambda Sensor Voltages&#41;
031,1,Lambda Control,Bank 1 &#40;actual&#41;
031,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1 &#40;specified&#41;
031,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2 &#40;actual&#41;
031,4,Lambda Control,Bank 2 &#40;specified&#41;
032,0,Lambda Control &#40;Mixture Adaptation&#41;
032,1,Adaptation &#40;Idle&#41;,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
032,2,Adaptation &#40;Partial&#41;,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
032,3,Adaptation &#40;Idle&#41;,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
032,4,Adaptation &#40;Partial&#41;,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
033,0,Lambda Control
033,1,Lambda Control,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
033,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.10...1.00 V
033,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
033,4,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.10...1.00 V
034,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 1 Sensor 1&#41;
034,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 1000...2400 RPM
034,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
034,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.0...3.0 s\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 0.1...1.8 s
034,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 not OK/B1-S1 OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B034,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 1 Sensor 1&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S1 OK"
B034,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 1000...2400 RPM
B034,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
B034,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.0...3.0 s\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 0.1...1.8 s
B034,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 not OK/B1-S1 OK\nSpecification&#58; B1-S1 OK
035,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 2 Sensor 1&#41;
035,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 1000...2400 RPM
035,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
035,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.0...3.0 s\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 0.1...1.8 s
035,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 not OK/B2-S1 OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B035,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 2 Sensor 1&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S1 OK"
B035,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 1000...2400 RPM
B035,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
B035,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.0...3.0 s\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 0.1...1.8 s
B035,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 not OK/B2-S1 OK\nSpecification&#58; B2-S1 OK
036,0,Lambda Control &#40;Sensor Readiness - After Catalyst&#41;
036,1,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
036,2,Result,Lambda Availability,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 not OK/B1-S2 OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
036,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
036,4,Result,Lambda Availability,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 not OK/B2-S2 OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B036,0,Lambda Control &#40;Sensor Readiness - After Catalyst&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S2 OK"
B036,1,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B036,2,Result,Lambda Availability,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 not OK/B1-S2 OK\nSpecification&#58; B1-S2 OK
B036,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B036,4,Result,Lambda Availability,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 not OK/B2-S2 OK\nSpecification&#58; B2-S2 OK
037,0,Lambda Control &#40;Delta Lambda Bank 1&#41;
037,1,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
037,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
037,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; -800...+800 ms
037,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B037,0,Lambda Control &#40;Delta Lambda Bank 1&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S1 OK"
B037,1,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
B037,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B037,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; -800...+800 ms
B037,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; B1-S1 OK
038,0,Lambda Control &#40;Delta Lambda Bank 2&#41;
038,1,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
038,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
038,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; -800...+800 ms
038,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 OK/B2-S1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B038,0,Lambda Control &#40;Delta Lambda Bank 2&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S1 OK"
B038,1,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
B038,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B038,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; -800...+800 ms
B038,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 OK/B2-S1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; B2-S1 OK
039,0,Lambda Control &#40;Sensor Exchange&#41;
039,1,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...200.0 g/s\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...5.0 g/s
039,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
039,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
039,4,Result,Sensor Exchange,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B039,0,Lambda Control &#40;Sensor Exchange&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
B039,1,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...200.0 g/s\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...5.0 g/s
B039,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B039,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B039,4,Result,Sensor Exchange,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. OK
041,0,Lambda Control &#40;Lambda Sensor Heating Bank 1&#41;
041,1,Resistance,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Specification&#58; 0.0...0.9 kOhms
041,2,Heater Condition,,Display Range&#58; Htg. S1 OFF/Htg. S1 ON
041,3,Resistance,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.0...0.9 kOhms
041,4,Heater Condition,,Display Range&#58; Htg. S2 OFF/Htg. S2 ON
042,0,Lambda Control &#40;Lambda Sensor Heating Bank 2&#41;
042,1,Resistance,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification&#58; 0.0...0.9 kOhms
042,2,Heater Condition,,Display Range&#58; Htg. S1 OFF/Htg. S1 ON
042,3,Resistance,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.0...0.9 kOhms
042,4,Heater Condition,,Display Range&#58; Htg. S2 OFF/Htg. S2 ON
043,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 1 Sensor 2&#41;
043,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
043,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
043,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
043,4,Result,Aging Check,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B043,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 1 Sensor 2&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S2 OK"
B043,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B043,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
B043,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B043,4,Result,Aging Check,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; B1-S2 OK
044,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 2 Sensor 2&#41;
044,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
044,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
044,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
044,4,Result,Aging,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 OK/B2-S2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; B2-S2 OK
B044,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 2 Sensor 2&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S2 OK"
B044,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B044,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
B044,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification&#58; 0.1...1.0 V
B044,4,Result,Aging Check,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 OK/B2-S2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; B2-S2 OK
046,0,Lambda Control &#40;Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 1&#41;
046,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
046,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.
046,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 1
046,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/CatB1 OK/CatB1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; CatB1 OK
B046,0,Lambda Control &#40;Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 1&#41;
; Short Trips 034/035/036/037/038/039/043/044 must be OK
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "CatB1 OK"
B046,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B046,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.
B046,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 1
B046,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/CatB1 OK/CatB1 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; CatB1 OK
047,0,Lambda Control &#40;Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 2&#41;
047,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
047,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.
047,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 2
047,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/CatB2 OK/CatB2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; CatB2 OK
B047,0,Lambda Control &#40;Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 2&#41;
; Short Trips 034/035/036/037/038/039/043/044 must be OK
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "CatB2 OK"
B047,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B047,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.
B047,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 2
B047,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/CatB2 OK/CatB2 n.OK\nSpecification&#58; CatB2 OK
050,0,Engine Speed Increase
050,1,Engine Speed,&#40;actual&#41;,Specification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
050,2,Engine Speed,&#40;specified&#41;,Specification&#58; 720 RPM
050,3,A/C Readiness,,Display Range&#58; A/C-Low / A/C-High
050,4,A/C Compressor,,Display Range&#58; Compr.OFF/Compr.ON
051,0,Engine Speed Increase &#40;Gear shifts&#41;
051,1,Engine Speed,&#40;actual&#41;,Specification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
051,2,Engine Speed,&#40;specified&#41;,Specification&#58; 720 RPM
051,3,Selected Gear,,P or N = 0\nGear = 1 - 6\nR = 7
051,4,Battery Voltage,&#40;Terminal 30&#41;,Specification&#58; 11.0...15.0 V
053,0,Engine Speed Increase &#40;Generator Load&#41;
053,1,Engine Speed,&#40;actual&#41;,Specification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
053,2,Engine Speed,&#40;specified&#41;,Specification&#58; 720 RPM
053,3,Battery Voltage,&#40;Terminal 30&#41;,Specification&#58; 11.0...15.0 V
053,4,Generator,Load Signal
054,0,Idle Speed Stabilization
054,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
054,2,Load Status,,Range&#58; Idle/Partial Throttle/Wide Open Throttle &#40;WOT&#41;/Enrichment/Deceleration
054,3,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 &#40;G79&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
054,4,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
055,0,Idle Speed Stabilization
055,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
055,2,Idle Speed Control,Torque Change
055,3,Idle Speed Control,Torque Loss
055,4,Operating,Condition,See Label File
; 00xx? = A/C Compressor
; 00x?x = Gear engaged
; 00?xx = A/C Readiness
056,0,Idle Speed Stabilization
056,1,Engine Speed,&#40;actual&#41;,Specification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
056,2,Engine Speed,&#40;specified&#41;,Specification&#58; 720 RPM
056,3,Idle Speed Control,Torque Change,Specification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
056,4,Operating,Condition,00xx? = A/C Compressor\n00x?x = Gear engaged\n00?xx = A/C Readiness
060,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Basic Setting&#58; Adaptation&#41;
060,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 &#40;G187&#41;,Range&#58; 3.0...93.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
060,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 &#40;G188&#41;,Range&#58; 97.0...3.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 90.0...80.0 %
060,3,Throttle Valve,Step Counter,Range&#58; 0...8
060,4,Result,Throttle Valve Adp.,Display Range&#58; ADP RUN/ADP. O.K./ADP ERROR\nSpecification&#58; ADP. O.K.
B060,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Throttle Body Adaptation&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "ADP OK"
B060,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 &#40;G187&#41;,Range&#58; 3.0...93.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
B060,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 &#40;G188&#41;,Range&#58; 97.0...3.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 90.0...80.0 %
B060,3,Throttle Adaptation,Steps Counter,Range&#58; 0...8\nSpecification&#58; 8
B060,4,Result,Throttle Valve Adp.,Range&#58; ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification&#58; ADP OK
061,0,Electronic Throttle
061,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
061,2,Battery Voltage,&#40;Terminal 30&#41;,Specification&#58; 11.0...15.0 V
061,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
061,4,Operating,Condition,See Label File
; 00xx? = A/C Compressor
; 00x?x = Gear engaged
; 00?xx = A/C Readiness
062,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Sensor Values&#41;
062,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 &#40;G187&#41;,Range&#58; 3.0...93.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
062,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 &#40;G188&#41;,Range&#58; 97.0...3.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 90.0...80.0 %
062,3,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 &#40;G79&#41;,Range&#58; 8.0...97.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
062,4,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 2 &#40;G185&#41;,Range&#58; 3.0...49.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 3.0...13.0 %
063,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Kick-Down Adaptation&#41;
063,1,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 &#40;G79&#41;,Range&#58; 8.0...97.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
063,2,Kick-Down,Adaptation Value,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification&#58; 80.0...97.0 %
063,3,Kick-Down,Switch,Range&#58; Kick Down
063,4,Kick-Down,Adaptation,Range&#58; ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification&#58; ADP OK
B063,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Kick-Down Adaptation&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Press the Accelerator Pedal down to the floor
; Wait until Field 4 shows "ADP OK"
B063,1,Throttle Position,Sensor &#40;G79&#41;,Range&#58; 8.0...97.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 8.0...18.0 %
B063,2,Kick-Down,Adaptation Value,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification&#58; 80.0...97.0 %
B063,3,Kick-Down,Switch,Range&#58; Kick Down
B063,4,Kick-Down,Adaptation,Range&#58; ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification&#58; ADP OK
064,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Sensor Adaption Values&#41;
064,1,Lower Adaptation,Sensor 1 &#40;G187&#41;,Specification&#58; 0.4...0.6 V
064,2,Lower Adaptation,Sensor 2 &#40;G188&#41;,Specification&#58; 4.0...5.0 V
064,3,Emergency Air Gap,Sensor 1 &#40;G187&#41;,Specification&#58; 0.5...1.0 V
064,4,Emergency Air Gap,Sensor 2 &#40;G188&#41;,Specification&#58; 4.0...5.0 V
066,0,Electronic Throttle &#40;Cruise Control System&#41;
066,1,Vehicle Speed,&#40;current&#41;
066,2,Switch Positions I,,See Label File
; xxx? = Brake Light Switch
; xx?x = Brake Pedal Switch
; x?xx = Clutch Pedal Switch
; ?xxx = CCS &#40;Cruise Control System&#41; enabled
066,3,Vehicle Speed,&#40;specified&#41;
066,4,Switch Positions II,,See Label File
; xxx? = CCS ON &#40;CAN&#41;
; xx?x = SET &#40;CCS ON&#41;
; x?xx = Deceleration &#40;-&#41;
; ?xxx = Acceleration &#40;+&#41;
070,0,Emission Reduction &#40;EVAP Valve Test&#41;
070,1,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve &#40;Open&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
070,2,Lambda Control,,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
070,3,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve &#40;Flow&#41;
070,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/TEV OK/TEV not OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B070,0,Emission Reduction &#40;EVAP Valve Test&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "TEV OK"
B070,1,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve &#40;Open&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
B070,2,Lambda Control,,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
B070,3,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve &#40;Flow&#41;
B070,4,Result,,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/TEV OK/TEV not OK\nSpecification&#58; TEV OK
077,0,Emission Reduction &#40;Secondary Air Injection&#58; Bank 1&#41;
077,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;
077,2,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;
077,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1
077,4,Result,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B077,0,Emission Reduction &#40;Secondary Air Injection&#58; Bank 1&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases to 1400 RPM automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
; NOTE&#58; Can only be performed once per engine start!
B077,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;
B077,2,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;
B077,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1
B077,4,Result,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. OK
078,0,Emission Reduction &#40;Secondary Air Injection&#58; Bank 2&#41;
078,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;
078,2,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;
078,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2
078,4,Result,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Test OFF
B078,0,Emission Reduction &#40;Secondary Air Injection&#58; Bank 2&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases to 1400 RPM automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
; NOTE&#58; Can only be performed once per engine start!
B078,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;
B078,2,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;
B078,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2
B078,4,Result,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. OK
081,0,Advanced Control Module Identification II
081,1,Vehicle Ident.,Number &#40;VIN&#41;
082,0,Advanced Control Module Identification III
086,0,Readiness Code I
086,1,Readiness Bits,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst&#40;s&#41;
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Heating
; xxxxx?xx = EVAP System
; xxxx?xxx = Secondary Air Injection System
; xxx?xxxx = Climate Control
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor&#40;s&#41;
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx = Exhaust Gas Recirculation &#40;EGR&#41;
086,2,Cycle Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst Bank 1
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Bank 2
; xxxxx?xx = Leak Diagnostic Pump
; xxxx?xxx = EVAP Valve
; xxx?xxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 1
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 2
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 1
; ?xxxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 2
086,3,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 1 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 1 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 &#40;Delta-Lambda Shift&#41;
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 1 Sensor 2 &#40;Sensor Aging&#41;
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 &#40;Period Duration&#41;
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?0xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
086,4,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 2 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 2 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 &#40;Delta-Lambda Shift&#41;
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 2 Sensor 2 &#40;Sensor Aging&#41;
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 &#40;Period Duration&#41;
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?xxxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
087,0,Readiness and Error Bits
087,1,Readiness Bits,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst&#40;s&#41;
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Heating
; xxxxx?xx = EVAP System
; xxxx?xxx = Secondary Air Injection System
; xxx?xxxx = Climate Control
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor&#40;s&#41;
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx = Exhaust Gas Recirculation &#40;EGR&#41;
087,2,Error Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst Bank 1
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Bank 2
; xxxxx?xx = Leak Diagnostic Pump
; xxxx?xxx = EVAP Valve
; xxx?xxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 1
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 2
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 1
; ?xxxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 2
087,3,Error Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 1 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 1 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 &#40;Delta-Lambda Shift&#41;
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 1 Sensor 2 &#40;Sensor Aging&#41;
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 &#40;Period Duration&#41;
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?0xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
087,4,Error Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 2 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 2 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 &#40;Delta-Lambda Shift&#41;
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 2 Sensor 2 &#40;Sensor Aging&#41;
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 &#40;Period Duration&#41;
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?xxxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
88,0,Cycle Flags
88,1,Cycle Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Exhaust Camshaft Bank 2
; xxxxxx?x = Exhaust Camshaft Bank 1
; xxxxx?xx = Intake Camshaft Bank 2
; xxxx?xxx = Intake Camshaft Bank 1
; xxx?xxxx = Knock Sensor 4
; xx?xxxxx = Knock Sensor 3
; x?xxxxxx = Knock Sensor 2
; ?xxxxxxx = Knock Sensor 1
88,2,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Brake Light Switch
; xxxxxx?x = Clutch Pedal Switch
; xxxxx?xx = Idle Speed Control
; xxxx?xxx = Speed Signal
; xxx?xxxx = Idle Switch
; xx?xxxxx = Coolant Temperature Sensor
; x?xxxxxx = Throttle Valve Potentiometer
; ?xxxxxxx = Mass Air Flow Sensor
88,3,Cycle Flags III,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxx0x?00 = Intake Air Temperature Sensor
; xxx0?x00 = Thermostat &#40;only USA&#41;
; xx?0xx00 = Cruise Control Lever
; x?x0xx00 = Oxygen Sensor Control - Adaptation Bank 2
; ?xx0xx00 = Oxygen Sensor Control - Adaptation Bank 1
089,0,On-Board-Diagnostics &#40;OBD&#41;
089,1,Distance Driven,with MIL on
089,2,Tank Condition,,Range&#58; OK/too low
090,0,Camshaft Adjustment &#40;Intake&#41;
090,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
090,2,Adjustment,Status,Range&#58; Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
090,3,Adjustment,Bank 1
090,4,Adjustment,Bank 2
091,0,Camshaft Adjustment &#40;Intake - Bank 1&#41;
091,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
091,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
091,3,Adjustment,Status,Range&#58; Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
091,4,Adjustment,Bank 1
092,0,Camshaft Adjustment &#40;Intake - Bank 2&#41;
092,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
092,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
092,3,Adjustment,Status,Range&#58; Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
092,4,Adjustment,Bank 2
093,0,Camshaft Adjustment &#40;Phase Position&#41;
093,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
093,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
093,3,Phase Position,Bank 1,Specification&#58; -20.0...+15.0 CF
093,4,Phase Position,Bank 2,Specification&#58; -20.0...+15.0 CF
094,0,Camshaft Adjustment
094,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
094,2,Adjustment,Status,Range&#58; Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
094,3,Result,Bank 1,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. not OK
094,4,Result,Bank 2,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. not OK
095,0,Intake Manifold Change Over
095,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
095,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
095,3,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
095,4,Switch-Over,Staus,Display Range&#58; IMC-V ON/IMC-V OFF
099,0,Lambda Control Shut-Off
099,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
099,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
099,3,Lambda Control,,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
099,4,Lambda Control,Status,Range&#58; O2-Reg.OFF/O2-Reg.ON
B099,0,Lambda Control Shut-Off
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "O2-Reg.OFF"
B099,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B099,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
B099,3,Lambda Control,,Range&#58; -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification&#58; -10.0...+10.0 %
B099,4,Lambda Control,Status,Range&#58; O2-Reg.OFF/O2-Reg.ON
100,0,Readiness Code
100,1,Readiness Bits,,Display Range&#58; 0 = completed / 1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst&#40;s&#41;
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Heating
; xxxxx?xx = EVAP System
; xxxx?xxx = Secondary Air Injection System
; xxx?xxxx = Climate Control
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor&#40;s&#41;
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx = Exhaust Gas Recirculation &#40;EGR&#41;
100,3,Time since,Engine Start
; xxxx00x? = No Warm-Up Cycle detected
; xxxx00?x = Warm-Up Cycle detected
; xxx?00xx = Malfunction&#40;s&#41; detected
; xx?x00xx = Trip complete
; x?xx00xx = Driving-Cycle detected
; ?xxx00xx = MIL active
101,0,Fuel Injection
101,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
101,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
101,3,Injection Timing,,Range&#58; 1.0...21.0 ms\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...4.0 ms
101,4,Mass Air Flow,&#40;G70&#41;,Range&#58; 0.0...200.0 g/s\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...5.0 g/s
102,0,Fuel Injection
102,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
102,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
102,3,Intake Air,Temperature &#40;G42&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; < +80.0 °C &#40;max. +115.0 °C&#41;
102,4,Injection Timing,,Range&#58; 1.0...21.0 ms\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...4.0 ms
104,0,Fuel Injection &#40;Start Adaption Values&#41;
104,1,Engine Start,Temperature
104,2,Temperature,Adaptation Factor
104,3,Temperature,Adaptation Factor
104,4,Temperature,Adaptation Factor
107,0,Fuel Injection &#40;Fuel Supply System&#41;
107,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
107,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1
107,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2
107,4,Test Result,,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/System OK/System Not OK
B107,0,Fuel Injection &#40;Fuel Supply System&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
B107,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
B107,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1
B107,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2
B107,4,Result,Lambda Control,Display Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification&#58; Syst. OK
110,0,Load Registration &#40;Load/Full Throttle Enrichment&#41;
110,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
110,2,Coolant,Temperature &#40;G62&#41;,Range&#58; -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Warm&#41;&#58; 80.0...115.0 °C
110,3,Injection Timing,,Range&#58; 1.0...21.0 ms\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 1.0...4.0 ms
110,4,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
113,0,Load Registration &#40;Load/Full Throttle Enrichment&#41;
113,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
113,2,Engine Load,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 12.0...26.0 %
113,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range&#58; 0.0...100.0 %
120,0,Traction Control &#40;ASR&#41;
120,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
120,2,Engine Load,&#40;specified&#41;
120,3,Engine Load,&#40;actual&#41;
120,4,Status,,Display Range&#58; ASR OFF/ASR ON
122,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Idle&#41;&#58; 670...770 RPM
122,2,Engine Load,&#40;specified&#41;
122,3,Engine Load,&#40;actual&#41;
122,4,Status,,Display Range&#58; Torque Red/No Tor Red
125,0,CAN-Databus Powertrain &#40;Communication&#41;
125,1,Transmission,,Display Range&#58; Transm. 1/Transm. 0
125,2,Brake Electronics,,Display Range&#58; ABS 1/ABS 0
125,3,Instrument Cluster,,Display Range&#58; Instruments 1/Instruments 0
; coding
;  ---  Engine
;Component&#58;2.4L V6/5V      G   0002, Coding&#58;11551

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 25 maja 2015, 15:02

W takim razie zrób grupy o których pisałeś i dodatkowo sprawdź sobie ustawienie rozrządu <okok>

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 162
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 17:54
Lokalizacja: Szczerców

Post autor: sebool12 » 25 maja 2015, 15:03

I org AMX, ale po niemiecku :/ ... E.lbl?dl=0
(chciałem wrzuć jako post, ale jest za długi)
"Coś" o sondach mam w gr 031-047 :shock: i jeszcze paru innych grupach

A rozrząd jest OK

Awatar użytkownika
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 3333
Rejestracja: 06 sie 2013, 09:16
Imię: Gosia
Moje auto: S6 C5
Rocznik: 2002
Nadwozie: Avant
Silnik: 4.2 326KM
Napęd: Quattro
Skrzynia: Tiptronic
Paliwo: Benzyna
Lokalizacja: Łęczna/Puławy

Post autor: Mazdomania » 25 maja 2015, 15:10

Tak powinno być z sondami, że są w wielu grupach <okok>

Rozrząd to 093, a nie 090. 090 to nastawniki zmiennych faz.

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 162
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 17:54
Lokalizacja: Szczerców

Post autor: sebool12 » 25 maja 2015, 15:14

Sorry pomyliłem link

Przeglądając plik lbl zauważyłem, że chyba istnieje jakaś procedura w basic settings do sprawdzenia sond:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

B034,0,Lambda Control &#40;Aging Check&#58; Bank 1 Sensor 1&#41;
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S1 OK"
B034,1,Engine Speed,&#40;G28&#41;,Range&#58; 630...6800 RPM\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 1000...2400 RPM
B034,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Range&#58; 70.0...850.0 °C\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; min. 380.0 °C
B034,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range&#58; 0.0...3.0 s\nSpecification &#40;Basic Setting&#41;&#58; 0.1...1.8 s
B034,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range&#58; Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 not OK/B1-S1 OK\nSpecification&#58; B1-S1 OK
Ten fragment dotyczy sondy od strony pasażera przy silniku

Forum Audi A6 / A7
Forum Audi A6 / A7
Posty: 49
Rejestracja: 24 maja 2015, 22:57
Lokalizacja: Jaworzno / Niemcy

Post autor: tusiek21 » 25 maja 2015, 16:19

Logi dla grupy 032 + 033 statyczne, 090 i 093 statyczne i dynamiczne, prosze o ocone.

Ewidentnie w grupie 033 wskazania sondy lambda sa zaburzone, napiecie skacze raz za ubogo, nastepnym razem zbyt bogato,zreszta widac to tez na swiecach (czarne jak smola), dlaczeggo i co moze byc przyczyna?


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